Friday, August 1, 2014

Arrow Selection for Young Archers

It's a common topic of discussion about how some archery shops frequently suggest very, very incorrect arrows for beginner recurve archers.  There are at least four models of "youth" arrows being marketed by arrow manufacturers that are ridiculously inappropriate for any youth shooters.  Today I found a really clear discussion on Archery Talk about what arrows are most appropriate for youth shooters, written by a former US Olympic team member and very active JOAD coach, John Magera.  Here's what he said:
After spending the better part of the past 10 years setting up competitive rigs for my daughter and some other very young students, I've made a few observations. Here they are: 
1) For any kid shooting less than 20# and 24#, they should unequivocally be using 1214 Easton aluminum (Jazz or Tribute) arrows. Period. It is simply the most competitive arrow they can use, and will work just fine indoors, and outdoors all the way out to 30 meters (50, if they are well coached). 1214's are a 2500 spine (2.5" deflection) arrow. There is no other arrow that can do what they do for our tiniest archers, save perhaps 1/4" ramin wood dowels at the local Hobby Lobby (don't laugh - they work).
2) The next arrow a kid should be put into after they graduate from the 1214 Jazz is the 2000 spine Medallion XR. Again, period, end of story. If they are to be competitive outdoors, this is their arrow. They could possibly use another size Jazz or Tribute (1413 or the like) but they will be heavier and larger in diameter. When it comes to carbon outdoor arrows for kids, no arrow can compete with the 2000-1800 spine Medallion XR's for overall performance and value. You have to get to the 1500 spine A/C/C to get close.
For a kid to shoot the 2000 spine Medallion XR's, they need to be shooting AT LEAST 22# on the fingers, and the arrow still needs to be at least 24" long to have any chance of spining properly.
3) The weakest CI Super Club is the 5/10, and even it is still 1500 or so spine. Not a competitive option until a kid is shooting about 24-25# with an arrow that is 25-26" long. 
So, where does that leave us? If your student/child is shooting less than 24# on the fingers and is using an arrow less than 26" long, there really are only 2 or 3 arrows that will shoot straight out of their recurve. Anything else is going to be overspined. Most likely WAY overspined.
John has years of experience in this.  I have personally received quite a bit of advice from him and he has been right every single time.  From my limited experience as a coach, what he says about youth arrows is totally on target (pun intended).

So, unless a youth shooter is above 25# on the fingers and over 26" long arrow length, there really are only two totally appropriate arrows to suggest: Easton 1214 (Jazz or Tribute) or Carbon Express Medallion XR 2000.  After that, the Carbon Impact Super Club 5/10.  Very useful information!